options ls = 78; libname fu "./data"; proc import datafile = "./data/fgrade24.xls" out=grades dbms=xls replace; /***************************************************************************** ** Course Evaluation based on following modified categories: ** ****************************************************************************** ** Category Points Percentage ** ** homework (hw) 1000 30% ** ** Classroom participation (crp) 24 10% ** ** midterm exam (mid) 100 25% ** ** final exam (final) 140 35% ** ****************************************************************************** ** grad is the final grade reported to the office of university registrar ** *****************************************************************************/ data w; set grades; hw = sum(of hw1-hw10); if attmiss = . then attmiss = 0; crp = 24 - attmiss; total = 0.1*crp*100/24 + 0.30*hw*100/1000 + 0.25*mid*100/100+0.35*final*100/140; if total = . then grad = 'I'; else if total < 75 then grad = 'C'; else if 75 <= total <= 84 then grad = 'B'; else if total> 84 then grad = 'A'; proc print; proc sort; by total; proc means mean std; var total; class grad; proc print noobs; var name attmiss crp mid final hw total grad; run;